Webinar: So kannst du Geflüchtete über Airbnb.org aufnehmen – Französisch

Erfahre, wie du Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine kostenlose oder ermäßigte Unterkünfte anbieten kannst.
Von Airbnb am 25. März 2022
Video: 28 Min.
Aktualisiert am 25. März 2022

Das Wichtigste

Check out the video above, and remember:

  • You can make your existing Airbnb listing available for free or at a discounted rate for refugee bookings.
  • You can also create a new listing directly through Airbnb.org that will be available for free and only visible for refugee bookings.
  • Once a person or family has been identified as in need of temporary housing, a nonprofit caseworker may help them book a stay. Alternatively, the guest may receive a booking voucher to help them book a stay on their own.

How can I connect my town hall or an association with the Airbnb.org emergency accommodation program?

Airbnb.org is available to Prefectures, municipalities, and associations to help meet the refugee accommodation needs identified locally. They can contact the teams via this email address: territories@airbnb.com.

Thank you for stepping up and supporting those in need.

Das Wichtigste

25. März 2022
War das hilfreich?