
Giardino Sotto le Mura "Giardino Fratelli Giuseppe e Vittorino Fiori"

Von 3 Einheimischen empfohlen,

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July 7, 2021
This short boardwalk was built to connect the covered walk of Saint Remy’s Bastion and the public gardens of Saint Vincent. The area where the boardwalk (and the gardens) are today has changed since its inception. From here it’s possible to enjoy the sun as it sets and paints a warm orange cast on the living stone of the walls, as it was uncovered after some military fortifications from the 1700’s were taken down in the 1980s. Throughout the gardens you can admire sculptures by of one of the most famous and representative Sardinian artists: Pinuccio Sciola, known for his stone sculptures that produce a pleasant sound when a human rubs his/her hands on them. Starting your walk in the gardens and going up hill, you will get to a staircase which will take you to a higher level. These stairs will take you to an area called by the locals “il terrapieno”. This earthwork was built to create distance between potential enemies attacking the district of Castello from the lower side of the wall. This distance should have provided defence against the first iterations of artillery. Nowadays, after a long period of abandonment, this space has recently been revolutionised and it now has 5-a-side football pitches, a street basketball court and a big bar. During the day it provides a meeting and refreshment point for players and passersby alike, whereas at night from spring to autumn it doubles as a disco too.
This short boardwalk was built to connect the covered walk of Saint Remy’s Bastion and the public gardens of Saint Vincent. The area where the boardwalk (and the gardens) are today has changed since its inception. From here it’s possible to enjoy the sun as it sets and paints a warm orange cast on…

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